SOHO Prospecting can help you create a company marketing newsletter that will influence prospects and keep you on your client’s minds. Newsletters are your opportunity to shine on a regular basis as an expert in your field as you keep readers up-to-date on developments at your company and informed about industry-specific news and trends. Since a marketing newsletter can provide a variety of methods for communicating your business message—news reports, feature stories, illustrations, cartoons, and puzzles—it has a wide range of appeal and impact to readers.
Newsletter lists can be built by placing a simple subscription form on your website, often with simple form builders, or through email newsletter service providers such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, or HubSpot for example. If your website is built on the Joomla CMS platform, there is also ACYMail! Most, if not all of these providers have snippets of code that you place on your website. Most have a selection of plans that range from free to many dollars a month depending on the size of your contact list and the number of emails you send out monthly. You will have to do the research to determine the provider that best fits your needs.
Many of these products also include a myriad of features designed to build your list as well as test your results.
Also note that many products in this genre cross over the line from being a simple newsletter sender to being a full-fledged CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).
Your choice will be based upon your company’s needs, goals and budget.